Taking a Break

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know that I will be taking a break from blogging. I’m currently going through some family issues right now, so I understandably want to take more time to spend with my family. On top of that, our wedding is coming up in 4 weeks and while that has taken a back-burner in my priorities given our new circumstances, it’s something that still needs to be dealt with so that the day runs smoothly.

As a result of all of this, I haven’t really had the time, energy, or mood to think about blogging. There are a handful of posts that I have as drafts, so maybe I’ll be able to post a few of those in the upcoming few weeks, but updates will definitely be sporadic and I can’t make any promises. However, I will still try to keep up with YOUR blog posts to the best of my ability.

Thank you for understanding, and hopefully we will be able to chat again in a few weeks.

Polished & Inspired

10 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. I hope everything with the family is ok!
    And gooooood luck with your wedding.
    You know, I am >>THIS<< close to taking a blogging break myself. I don't even have a wedding to plan but I completely understand! 😛
    Take all the time you need – we'll be around! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, work is super busy and when I get home, I’m drained. Ya know? 😉

      I’m so excited to hear about your wedding and your honeymoon though! ❤ I still can't believe that's all around the corner – wow!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I feel you! As much fun as blogging is, sometimes when you come home, all you want to do is have some “me time”, and not feel the pressure of having to write a blog post or take pictures.

        Thanks girl! I’ll definitely share pics of the honeymoon when the time comes!


  2. Take care of yourself – and I’m sending you positive vibes re: your family situation!

    Also have an amazing wedding day! I can’t wait to see/hear how everything came together. Remember to take some time to sit back and enjoy the day – it’ll go by so fast you’ll wonder if it even happened and you’ll wish you could do it all over again. ❤


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