Taking a Break

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know that I will be taking a break from blogging. I’m currently going through some family issues right now, so I understandably want to take more time to spend with my family. On top of that, our wedding is coming up in 4 weeks and while that has taken a back-burner in my priorities given our new circumstances, it’s something that still needs to be dealt with so that the day runs smoothly.

As a result of all of this, I haven’t really had the time, energy, or mood to think about blogging. There are a handful of posts that I have as drafts, so maybe I’ll be able to post a few of those in the upcoming few weeks, but updates will definitely be sporadic and I can’t make any promises. However, I will still try to keep up with YOUR blog posts to the best of my ability.

Thank you for understanding, and hopefully we will be able to chat again in a few weeks.

Polished & Inspired

Liebster Award

Last month, I was nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Jani V of My Life in Med School. Go follow her if you haven’t already! She has various posts about makeup, fashion, and not surprisingly, her journey through med school!

I found it extremely difficult to come up with interesting facts about myself…maybe that means I’m not very interesting 😛

The rules of this award:

1. Acknowledge blog who nominated you and display award;

2. Answer 11 questions the blogger gives you;

3. Give 11 random facts about yourself;

4. Nominate 11 blogs;

5. Notify them of the nomination;

6. Give them 11 questions to answer

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April Haul and Low-Buy

Today’s post is a combined haul and low-buy post for the month of April. The big event this month, as you all already know, was the Sephora VIB sale. I started this month off knowing that there wasn’t anything I was particularly excited about buying at Sephora. I went into the store 4 separate times for inspiration, and each time I left feeling uninspired!



Kat Von D Tattoo Liner

This is a  constant in my Sephora VIB purchases for me – it’s my favourite liquid liner, and I always replenish my stash of these during the sales. I think this is my third (or fourth?!) one.

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