Mani Monday & New Nail Polishes!

For Christmas, one of my friends bought everyone in our close group of girlfriends a bottle of wine as part of their gift. However, she knows that I don’t drink, so she bought me a champagne bottle…of nail polish! What a cute idea for her to get me “alcohol” just like everyone else, but that’s not really alcohol.



This is the Formula X Bottle Service set, which contains 5 minis from their permanent collection, as well as 5 minis of shades that were exclusive to this set. When I saw this at Sephora during the holidays, I eyed it a couple of times because I’ve always wanted to try the Formula X polishes, but I refrained because I couldn’t justify buying more polishes when I already have so many to get through. Well, now that I’ve been given them as a gift, I guess I have no choice but to use them! 😛 I like that these are minis, because I don’t think I’ve ever been able to finish a full sized polish before it dries out on me!

I thought about doing a post with all the shades at once, but I think I might share the shades as I use them instead.


This week I decided to use Thrilling, a medium cool toned grey-beige. I used to wear all kinds of crazy shades to work, but now I feel rather uncomfortable doing that in my new position, so I think I will have to wear neutral shades at least for the next while *sigh*

Anyways, the initial coat of Thrilling was streaky, which I find happens with a lot of neutral polishes (or maybe I’m just bad at applying nail polishes). I think two coats of this shade would suffice, but I used three to get to this opacity. As a top coat, I used my usual, which is the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri.

Does this shade make my hands look like corpse hands? I can’t really decide, but I like it regardless!


8 thoughts on “Mani Monday & New Nail Polishes!

  1. Oh how fun is this? What great packaging!
    So great of your friend to get this for you especially since you were eyeing it. What a great set to get started into Formula X polishes.
    No, this shade doesn’t make your hands look like corpse hands, I think there’s a enough of the hint of beige that’s got a bit of a pink undertone that doesn’t completely wash you out. 🙂
    PS I scored a bottle of the Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Save the Date! Found it at another Shoppers… $3.75 – yippee! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely a cute idea and very festive packaging!
      I’ve never really quite gotten the hang of why some beiges look good on me and which make me look dead, but I think you hit the nail on the head – it needs to have some pinkish undertone to liven it up a little!
      YESS, so glad you finally nabbed it! Eeeee, I hope you like it!!


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